Anna Bonek

Anna Bonek, PhD, is a teaching assistant  at the Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication (formerly: Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology) at the University of Warsaw. She graduated in Translation Studies from the Institute of Translation and Interpretation at the Ruprecht-Karl University of Heidelberg. She also graduated from the University of Warsaw at the Institute of Anthropocentric Linguistics and Culturology specialising in Specialized Translation. Her master thesis was entitled “Das deutsche STGB  und seine Übersetzung ins Polnische” (Polish Penal Code and its translation into German ). She received the Business Russian certificate awarded by the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute in Moscow and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. She is now completing her second master’s degree in Legal Studies at the Faculty of Law and  Administration of the University of Warsaw while studying for a PhD at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw as well. The title of her PhD thesis is ‘The Eye-Tracking Analysis of the Translation Process of Polish Administrative Acts into German’.Her current interests include translation theory and practice, didactics of translation, comparative law and eye-tracking translation research. She is a member of the Eye-Tracking Experimental Linguistics Laboratory. She is also a member of the Polish Association of Applied Linguistics.