Beginnings and Goals

Beginnings of the Eye-Tracking Experimental Linguistics Laboratory (LELO)

The Eye-Tracking Experimental Linguistics Laboratory was founded in 2012 on the initiative of prof. Sambor Grucza (after winning a grant for investment in extensive research infrastructure co-financed by the EU structural funds). The position of laboratory manager is held by Monika Płużyczka, PhD. The laboratory operates under the academic auspices of prof. dr hab. Sambor Grucza.

LELO’s main goals

The primary task of the Laboratory is to initiate and then conduct research in the field of experimental eye-tracking linguistics, especially translation studies-oriented experimental research as well as experimental glottodidactic research. It means that the research conducted in LELO will include linguistically oriented eye-tracking research leading to broadening the exploratory boundaries of applied linguistics. The main points of interest for eye-tracking research are particular speakers-hearers and linguistic properties located in their brains as well as linguistic processes in their brains.

So far, research in the field of translation studies and glottodidactics has been limited to conceptual deliberation and its verification in translational and glottodidactic practice. It is high time to complement that with experimental research. Conducting such research has become possible i.a. thanks to oculographs. Already the first results of eye-tracking experiments indicate that oculography opens new, innovative cognitive possibilities for the entire applied linguistics.

Moreover, the task of the Laboratory is to initiate academic cooperation as well as create a national and then international network of research units so that research on experimental translation studies and experimental glottodidactics is coordinated to the largest possible extent. This will result in boosting its scientific efficiency and the cost effectiveness of putting it into practice.

[Sambor Grucza, Monika Płużyczka]