III Polish Conference on Eyetracking (Warsaw 2015)

By | Sunday April 5th, 2015

III Polish Conference on Eyetracking – 05-06.03.2015

On 5-6th of March 2015 in Warsaw took place  III Polish Conference on Eyetracking. It was organized by: Univerisity of Social Sciences and Humanities, Neuro Device Group, National Information Processing Institute and SensoMotoric Instruments. The keynote speakers were: prof. Andrew T. Duchowski, pioneer of global eyetracking research, and prof. Jan Ober, precursor of Polish eyetracking research.

During 2 days there were 4 thematic sessions with 27 presentations devoted to: application of eyetracking in psychology, linguistics,  teaching, the reception of art and biometric identification. Among the participants were 2 representatives of our Institute – dr Agnieszka Andrychowicz-Trojanowska(topic of presentation: Student’s visual attention working with English Textbook) and dr Monika Płużyczka (topic of presentation: Indicators of visual activity in the study of cognitive load during the reception of  the text).

The Conference was a good opportunity both to see the results of the latest eyetracking studies and to exchange experience, and its broad range of topics shows increasing prevalance of eyetracking in many areas of science.

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